Sunday, May 25th, 2025
-Trial, Lilith, Kaizo, Juji Gatame, Cherub Chains, and Shanked at Ballard VFW in Seattle, WA. 5:00 PM. $20. All Ages.
(NOTE: Some shows do not have photos due to: not being processed yet, contract obligations not allowing them to be posted, or file corruption in the photo archive)
Monday, May 25th, 2015
-Trial, Stand United, The Crew, and IKARI (First Show) at Black Lodge in Seattle, WA.
Sunday, November 2nd, 2014
-Unbroken, Strife, Trial, Mean Season, and Xibalba at Ukrainian Cultural Center in Los Angeles, CA.
Monday, June 2nd, 2014
-Bane, Trial, Turnstile, and Take Offense at El Corazon in Seattle, WA.
Sunday, May 27th, 2012
RAINFEST -Cold World, Rotting Out, Strain, Trial, Backtrack, Ill Intent, Wreck, Expire, Not Sorry, Earth Control, Devotion, Minus, Hollow Earth, Raw Nerves, and Dead Weight at Neumos in Seattle, WA.
Sunday, June 26th, 2011
EAST COAST TSUNAMI -Shelter, Trial, 108, Shutdown, xLooking Forwardx (Reunion), Foose, Vision, Such Gold, Hands Tied, The Last Stand, Incendiary, Concrete Reality, and Unlearn at Club Reverb in Reading, PA.
Friday, May 27th, 2011
RAIN FEST -Trial, Black Breath, Foundation, Xibalba, Make Do And Mend, Another Breath, Run With The Hunted, All Teeth, and Envision (WA) at Neumos in Seattle, WA.