(NOTE: Some shows do not have photos due to: not being processed yet, contract obligations not allowing them to be posted, or file corruption in the photo archive)
Tuesday, April 17th, 2018
-Turnstile, Touche Amore, Culture Abuse, Razorbumps, and Odd Man Out at El Corazon in Seattle, WA.
Tuesday, October 10th, 2017
-Touche Amore, Single Mothers, Gouge Away, and Muscle Beach at Marquis Theatre in Denver, CO.
Saturday, April 15th, 2017
-Thursday, Basement, Touche Amore, and Cities Aviv at Showbox SoDo in Seattle, WA.
Saturday, September 15th, 2012
-Circa Survive, Touche Amore, Balance And Composure, and O Brother at House Of Blues in Boston, MA.
Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
-Defeater, Touche Amore, Code Orange, Birds In Row, Shot Heard Around The World, and Great American Ghost (First Show) at Rockos in Manchester, NH.
Sunday, August 14th, 2011
THIS IS HARDCORE FEST -Madball, From Ashes Rise, Reach The Sky, Killing Time, Down To Nothing, Wisdom In Chains, Touche Amore, Morning Again, Cruel Hand, All Else Failed (Reunion), Victims, Stick Together, Agitator, Rock Bottom, and Boundaries at The Starlight Ballroom in Philadelphia, PA.
Friday, July 23rd, 2010
SOUND AND FURY FEST -Strife, Outspoken, Touche Amore, Downpresser, Bitter End, Swamp Thing, The Mongoloids, Mother Of Mercy, This Is Hell, Crucified, Heartsounds, Product Of Waste, Expire, Hostage Calm, Dry Spell, Striking Justice, Create Avoid, At Our Heels, and Deadhead at Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara, CA.
Sunday, June 20th, 2010
-Strike Anywhere, Bane, Touche Amore, and Lowtalker at The Knitting Factory in New York City, NY.
Saturday, June 19th, 2010
-Bane, Strike Anywhere, Touche Amore, Lowtalker, and Weak Teeth at Club Hell in Providence, RI.
Friday, November 13th, 2009
-Touche Amore, Debaser, Crvsher, and Edge Of The World at The ICC Church in Allston, MA.